The Future of Technology in the Classroom

Accessible and Practical
STEM Integration

Get that technology off the shelf and infuse it into your classroom! We’ll meet your staff where they are and bring the tech you already have to life. Integrate with existing curriculum or build your own unique plans with our team of ed-tech teaching experts.

Learning goals

Participants are trained to introduce, integrate, and troubleshoot various tech tools in their classrooms based on the technology already available to them.

PD Components

  • Explore examples of creative technology integration in K12 classrooms
  • Define key categories of technology education such as engineering, coding, electronics, robotics, digital fabrication, and AR/VR
  • Identify the barriers students and teachers face with STEM integration
  • Discuss methodology and best practices for technology management, organization, and maintenance
  • Select the best technology tools for your grade levels and subject areas
  • Get the most out of technology your school already owns
  • Develop exciting lessons that combine technology with core content—from single lessons to year-long projects

Fully Customizable

Participants are trained to introduce, integrate, and troubleshoot various tech tools in their classrooms based on the technology already available to them.